Electronic current monitoring delivers paint on demand
- Product range:
- Control
In addition to the production of successful models, some automotive manufacturers suffer bottlenecks which require the new construction or expansion of the paintshops available.
The company Dürr AG is the global market leader in this area. A planner and erector of paintshops is the Austrian company Pentanova, which specialises in electrotechnical systems, amongst other things in the field of industrial automation. In future, the LOCC-Box will become the standard product at Pentanova for a DC 24 V fuse.
What considerations did the company take into account when deciding to use the LÜTZE product?
Most control cabinets in modern production plants have a DC 24 V supply for different consumers. In order to guarantee the system availability and to avoid downtimes, different types of consumer are fused selectively, for example sensors, actuators or frequency converters. Here cable and device protection considerations play a major role. Overcurrents or short circuits, which for example occur due to defective consumers, contamination or damaged cables, must be recognised in good time. This means that, in case of a fault, only the defective or faulty consumer (load) is disconnected. This prevents a total failure. The control must receive precisely this information via integrated signal contacts in order to run the system or the faulty system part in a safe condition. After that, repairs can be carried out.
The modular LOCC-Box system by LÜTZE provides exactly these possibilities. For this reason, it can be applied in any feasible application.
At Pentanova, the LOCC-Box is also highly specified due to its comprehensive operation possibilities such as the wide range of settings for the required power from 1 to 10 A in 1 A steps, as well as the required characteristics from fast to super slow-blow.
The status output, which can be used as a single or collective message, the remote input for switching on and off, the status display for 90 % and 100 % utilisation, the solid state relay function and the integration into fieldbus systems such as Profibus-DP, Profinet-IO, EtherCAT and CANopen round off the universal use options.
These main characteristics of the LOCC-Box top off the single channel design, the minimised cabling effort required and the low space requirements: the construction width totals only 8.1 mm. According to pentanova, all of these features make it easier to plan the control cabinet and permit a more compact construction. Further space savings result from the integrated signal contact, which means that it is no longer necessary to mount an additional one. Further cost savings result from the simplified procurement and storage. The precisely-defined characteristics make it possible to supply devices with very large cable lengths and reduced cable cross-sections - which contributes towards further reductions in cost. All in all, the advantages provided by the LÜTZE solution result in positively simplified technical planning.
The bottom line is that the LOCC-Box represents for Pentanova a device for universal use - a device of all trades, so to speak!
Photo: DÜRR AG