Switch and control systems designed with engineering expertise
- Product range:
- Cabinet
- Control
With its four business fields, the F.EE corporate group offers services and products for production automation, system programming, power generation and IT. These business areas – namely Electrotech Engineering, Robotics Automation, Information Technology + Systems and Solar and Power Technology – generally operate independently on the market. From ideas and customer specifications, the Neunburg engineers develop and formulate designs and solutions with the latest technical equipment and many years of expertise – and with reliable partners such as Friedrich Lütze GmbH.
For more than 25 years, companies have used LUTZE components and appreciate the quality of service offered by the company. The worldwide locations of both F.EE and LUTZE was a basic requirement for winning an order from Daimler for the BR205 product. In Germany (Bremen), USA (Tuscaloosa), South Africa (East London) and China (Beijing), F.EE builds the distributor cabinets +H011, +H111 and H+011FT exclusively for the raw construction of this project.
Both the LÜTZE LSC wiring system and the LOCC-Box are used for load monitoring with Profinet gateway. In the +H111 control cabinet, 80-LOCC Boxes Net and one Profinet gateway are used. In the +H011 it's 40 LOCC-Boxes and one Profinet gateway. In total, that makes approximately 10000 LOCC-Boxes and 1000 gateways - a truly big event!
In addition to the global automobile and supplier industry, the F.EE group also counts medium-sized companies, from a wide variety of industries as well as power utilities and communities, among its customers. Hans Fleischmann laid the cornerstone for today's company group headquartered in Neunburg v. W. in 1982. F.EE makes EUR 100 million in sales and employs 560 people in the company headquarters and another 60 in the branch offices in Bremen, Frankfurt, Cologne, Leipzig, Barcelona, Birmingham, Chattanooga and Guadalajara.