LÜTZE SUPERFLEX® Plus put to the test under harsh conditions
- Product range:
- Cable
The de-icing booms at the Pittsburg International Airport had flexible SO-cords installed in drag chains which travel with the boom. The SO-cord did not withstand the constant movement and the harsh environment and consequently had to be replaced periodically. Sometimes the cables failed when they were needed the most during de-icing operation.
In 2006 the local maintenance group decided to improve the reliability of the c-tracks and consulted Lutze Inc. After an initial review of the application, LÜTZE recommended to change the cables to LÜTZE SUPERFLEX® Plus and also provided classes on proper handling and installation procedures for continuous motion cables. We are excited to report that these LÜTZE SUPERFLEX® Plus cables are still in use since then. The use of LÜTZE SUPERFLEX® Plus cables improved the lifetime and reliability of the deicing booms greatly.
The superior design and quality of LÜTZE SUPERFLEX® Plus cables offered a sustainable long term solution greatly improving the operation downtime and reducing maintenance and labor costs.
LÜTZE SUPERFLEX® Plus cables were originally designed to be used in fast moving machine applications, such as c-tracks, in automated manufacturing systems. The superior performance of LÜTZE SUPERFLEX® Plus cables shows their versatility in many other applications as well.